

ぷはー・・・。抜け殻状態のにゃにゃ。試験は終わったし、にょにょちゃんもまさもいないし。とにかく家の中が静かなのよね。足が痛くなければ、三宮にでもぱーっと遊びにいけるんだけど、そうもいかないし。まさがいないから、お友達のところへ行っても仕方ないしなぁ。自分の時間が欲しい欲しいってずっと思っていたけど、いざ与えられてもうまく使えないままに時間が過ぎていくよ。 湯豆腐  豚しゃぶ  ほうれん草のおひたし  みそ汁  ごはん

Great job Pep! Thanks for the memories. See you next year on Sundays.

Ok so I finally decided to attempt putting unicode support into the AIM transport. I believe this was put off by temas initially because no Jabber clients (or maybe not enough to warrent it at the time) could chat with Unicode. Well, Psi can. :) Does anyone know if any other clients do also? I'd be interested to know..
The AIM transport uses libfaim, which is what gaim apparently uses also (and some other programs), so I figure libfaim is the master of all that is AIM implementations. After much hacking, I managed to send some Japanese from Psi to a guy using the official AIM client on Windows 2000. Yay!
Receiving messages was a completely different story however. There was some _serious_ mangling going on. I put some debug printf's in the AIM transport code just to see what was coming in. The AOL server would send Unicode sometimes, and other times UTF-8. And sometimes both. And then sometimes neither!
So it's half functioning. The latest version of the AIM transport uses libfaim v0.90pre or something. However, the latest version of libfaim is 0.99. I decided to take a look at the new libfaim, and guess what? Unicode support is totally gone! "grep -i unicode *.c *.h" returns _nothing_. Maybe the libfaim author has given up also? This was a nice lesson in why closed protocols suck.