
キリンの対応とか情けないものがありますが 他に方法ありませんかね。


Back at work today. It's that time of year again: time to write the semi-annual report for DARPA! Working on that occupied most of my day.
One disturbing discovery happened while I was away: the old python.org was being reguarly backed up using CNRI's usual software, but after the recent disk crash, there were files missing from the backup and the machine couldn't be restored. The MEMS Exchange server is also being backed up using this mechanism; can we trust it? Are we actually working with no backups at all? Time to set up an alternative mechanism, I guess. We're running our own Web server, our own mail server, and soon our own DNS server. Now we have to run our own backups? What, precisely, is CNRI's obscenely large 93% overhead rate buying us?
Sorted through my trip photos, and found most of them came out pretty well; wrote an image gallery script in Python so I don't have to continue writing the same 3 or 4 temporary scripts every time.